I have finally started seeing how the universe listens. It does give you what is being asked for.
Details are very important in this time. If you leave out details of what it is you want... You might just get a whole lot of what you don't want.
Also the universe will test you to make sure you want what you are asking for... sometimes when a pebble is thrown in your way there are three choices. 1. kick it, 2. trip over it, or 3. step over it.
A pebble was thrown in my way On Tuesday, I was supposed to start working. When I got there all proud of myself for being on time, and not rushing. I was told that I would have to start next week instead. I understood her reasoning. However when I walked out the door I took big sniffles... You know the ones that shake your whole inside when you are trying to not cry out loud. I was feeling pretty emotional about it. Kinda confused and worried if I still had the job I was offered just the week before.
Then I came to realize it was the universe listening to me again.... I was just not ready to start yet. I had some meetings to do and projects to finish.
Early Tuesday, the Morning of me going back to work, Miss K had a tummy and an ear ache, later she ended up in the hospital due to an object being trapped in her ear. Since I didn't go to work, a friend that just happen to be in the area picked me up, (another thing the universe heard.... I needed a ride) I was able to bring snacks to my Hubbie and Miss K. As soon as they got done with the snacks, we got called back and I was able to be there for my little girl. She was so brave.
Though we almost ended up back in the hospital again when I burnt my finger on the pan taking it out of the oven... I was lucky and it was only second degree burns. (when I was not listening to what the universe was trying to tell me)
Today I was able to stay home with Miss K. just to make sure she was OK, the night before she went to bed with a small fever. Which the DR said could be from the pressure place on the ear drum her body was trying to fight the object that was pushing up against it. I was able to keep an eye on her and she didn't run a fever at all today, while getting spoiled with Happy Plant smoothies and sugar free cookies. She made sure to tell Mr C and Miss B about all the yummy treats she had today.
I was also able to sell a necklace and finish up a few projects I had going.
However, today again I was not listening to what the universe was saying and I again hurt myself by running the corner of my beading tray in between my rib cage knocking the breath out of me, sending me right down to my knees gasping for air. Still when I breath or move some ways, I feel it.
I believe I am supposed to be taking it easy and resting..... this week. Since the universe is not speaking with words I have to take its hints... though tomorrow seems like its planning out to be a busy day... I am going to try and make it a easy resting day.
Life is good.
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