Miss K is really the baby of the family. Her Twin sister Miss B is 40 mins apart from her...
And while Miss B has lost two teeth last year, and Mr. C lost almost 8 with molars coming in.... Miss K waited and waited.
Some days she would come up and say "Momma wiggle my tooth and just see if it will come loose." or "How come Miss B has lost TWOoooo Teeth and I have not lost Any Yet!" she says with a slight pout.
Well Last night it finally happened .....her tooth became so loose it finally was able to be pulled out by my wonderful hubbie.
Miss K was so excited when she went to rinse her mouth ....she dropped her tooth right down the drain :(
So we had Miss K, write the tooth fairy explaining what happened to the tooth.... The tooth fairy didn't seemed to mind and still gave money with a tiny letter written back...saying she understands.
It made Miss K a very happy little girl... even though she lost her tooth in more then just one way.
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