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Friday, January 14, 2011

Words Our Truths

Lets Change the way we think!

Words are Flesh! What you read, listen, write, or speak.... it becomes real. It becomes true in the world and not just what you might think is YOUR world.... it affects each and every single one of us.
We are connected...

Judge.... Sarah Palin for what she said, However....I am sure if anyone of us that has adoring fans and those fans could hear how we speak on a bad day.... what would happen...they would get mad and take action...
(And Yes I do agree she is someone that needs to watch what she says in public light...however I think we all need to watch what we say.) Our words, Our thoughts become what is true.

Hell, I remember in High school, riding the bus home with this super smart kid, and he told me how to make a homemade bomb....this was just after The Columbine High School massacre. Here is just another example of putting our words and our energy towards something we shouldn't have. Our school made such a big deal about it... bring in metal detectors and not letting people wear long coats anymore. So of course kids that would have never thought about making bombs went home and looked into this new raving topic all the teachers were so worried about.

I think this is part of our issue as a whole. We tend to care about what is going on in the world more then we care about what is going on in OUR OWN backyards. We want to take care of the starving, the poor, the neglected people in other countries, we spend millions upon millions of dollars, we go into wars over CARING for Other peoples issues....Yet we look down on those same issues with in our own communities... Just think about it for a moment... If we happen to take all those kind, caring energies, words, and directed them toward people that we connected with every single day..how much better would Our world be?

Right Now I am in a battle with myself, I am changing.... I am looking at the world with my true self. 
I am changing my words in how I speak, I used to always try to think of myself as a good person.... now I know I am just a person with positive and negative reactions... I am focusing on the positive actions....which is not often easy. I am stopping ....the trying to be perfect in an imperfect world.  

Our worries become our truths...we become what we hate, so whatever you put your energies to...your focus on...becomes you.
Lets think happy thoughts, focus on how good we feel in our worlds....

Let Positive Light shine with in you...Happy words flow out.... until next time... Give a smile.


  1. As a whole, the U.S. actually donates less money to worldwide charities and national disaster relief in other countries than any other major country (in our same income bracket) in the world. So in actuality--we are not doing much to help our own, but we do spend more on ourselves than on others. Personally, I think the U.S. is selfish and we should care more about providing relief internationally.

  2. Jen, Thank you for reading! However I think you missed the point of this post. Its about changing the way we think, how we say things. To care more about what is going on in the worlds we live in.... not earth as a whole. To be kinder, less judemental, to look at things with love and understanding.
    To watch all our actions/words because you never know who is watching. National disasters are something totally different... going in help rebuild buildings and help work the crops. Just dropping loads of food from the sky does more harm then good. Once the food runs out then what? That just makes them dependant and want something they can not have. Maybe think well give them Money... in some countries they don't understand the meaning of a dollar. They would rather have a cow, or chickens. I am not saying do not care for the poor, the starving, the abused ... in other countries, if I believed that I would not have supported my husbands in all these years of working for coffee companies, and each time he has to step onto a plane to go to and see these poor coffee countries. I am saying start with home then work out towards the rest of the world.
