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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Babbles around Trust, Change and Control.... with knobs.

Babbles around Trust, Change and Control.... with knobs.

As I am sitting here trying to make a list of things I would like to get started today for the rest of my week to smooth by gracefully and happy. Gracefully happy is where I am in this moment. It’s a feeling of wonderfulness. Trust is one of those big words. Trust is a funny thing ya know. It's a word that gets twisted and tangled in so many mix matched way. I think my whole life lesson is about trust, and changes, and control. The Trust, changes and control are ways to give you the ideas of which way you chose to see your life and what you are like.

 But as I sit here with just a few moments of time to myself. Moments I really never get, because I refuse to get into at a healthy frame of mind. Possibly it's because I don't trust myself enough to have a good time and feel good about myself. I am either letting someone else change my knobs or I am adjusting the control with the wrong knobs myself.... possibly a little of both.

Think about it... just for a moment picture your body as a bunch of knobs, some go up /down, some go round and round. others go zig zagged. You get kinda nauseous just by thinking about how the knobs look, but then you are to see they are labeled with how your life is. Maybe you set the happy meter on medium," Yep nothing wrong with medium! " you say to yourself.
But what you are forgetting is that happy meter is connected to other knobs and switches. And those knobs and switches are connected to not just your happy meter but your moody one, your toes your hair, inside and out. All of YOU! So when something goes rock bottom the happy meter gets tugged on a little. In life you have to find ways to turn those knobs before someone else comes along the way and turns them for you, by tricks of judgment, guilt, blame, fear, denial, anger, lust, and possibly love but love in the wrong way. Sometimes its OK to let someone else turn your knobs if you trust them enough to give them your control , however they also have to realize that even if they are allowing you to control their knobs that doesn't mean they are letting you change them.

Sounds great huh? Change your life by unseen knobs you and maybe a few others might know how to make those knobs work for you. Now: my reader, you are thinking
“ OK she is a little batty today”, but that is only because I am trying to open up to a new idea of thinking. Lets just say these knobs are in fact real. and I know where they are might not openly say that. 

So with that being said, look around you and see what makes you want turn that Trust knob up, so you to maybe live in Gracefully Happy.

Maybe its covered up and hidden and you try to blame it on you not doing something that you felt like you should be ….and then you become upset with yourself and those around you...

It's all really just about Trust, Trust yourself and let go of what you didn't/did do when you were not trusting yourself.

Anyways Here is my thoughts on knobs.... which all rooted from me sitting down to write my what am I go to do, to make myself feel Gracefully happy!

Until next time: Trust-Change-Control all in positive ways. Laugh~Smile~Hug.
everything in the world is a possibility if you believe in it enough.

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