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Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Gym

So, I went to the Gym.


Yep, that is what I did... I went and looked around. Had to pee, and then left.

Nope, didn't work out. Got there to late for the Zumba class. When I looked around all I saw was super fit people working on their fitness. And machines I don't really understand how to use.

And in my mind I am thinking...." me, not understanding how to use these damn things"! UGH.

Really the whole thought just overwhelms me, FEAR... that is what it is... but don't ask me what I am fearful of because I have no clue.

Then, I get a text from my beloved husband..."How was the Gym?"
The guilt hits.... had to text back, "went but didn't work out"
All I got back was a sad face. " :("
Yeah that one...

See my husband knows how unhappy I am with my figure, and he is going to the Gym like ever other day! Which I think is great!
I am happy that I have such a supportive person in my life that pushes me, to do the things I want to do, but for some strange reason, I don't do. Does that makes scense?


I think we do pretty well on the healthy eating front, maybe we could do better, But we don't eat fast food, and try to stay away from processed foods if we can help it.

I could go on about what we eat and don't eat.

I know I just need to work out.

So! Today!

I went to the Gym, and yet again No Zumba class... But I did work out for a hard 25 mins on a machine... don't ask me which one because .... all I know it worked on the legs and it was in the back!

I hope I can keep up the good work, I am ready to get healthy and fit!

So until next time, Be Happy and Get Healthy!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Favorite Quote

"Where there's a will, there's a way"

It's an old English proverb meaning a person with determination will find a way of doing something.

This is how I live my life, If I find that I want something bad enough I will make it happen.

All you have to do is believe in yourself that you can do it.
Believe in yourself that YOU are worth whatever it is you are wanting.
If there is any hint of doubt, I mean even the tiniest bit. Then what you want will not happen.

And yes of course, there are those times where you make something happen and it just is not how you thought it out to be.

One of two things has happened here.

Number 1. A lesson needed to be learned.


Number 2. You were not clear enough on what it was you wanted.

OH! I forgot to mention, if your intent is greedy or to hurt someone,
 more then likely it will not work out for you.


Until Next time... Be Kind and remember... If there is will there is a way!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Veggie Wontons

I know I don't normally post about food, however I think I should start because food is a really big part of my life. I love eating food, talking about food, and sharing food.

So today I made veggie wontons! I also did my first go at Plum Jam.... not so sure how that is going to turn out.

But I know my Veggie Wontons will be wonderful, even if I didn't have everything I normally put in them.

I learned how to make wontons from a friend at a pot luck I went to. When we lived on Salt Spring Island, of course they were pork wontons, but that was back in the day when my husband ate meat. We now don't eat much meat in this house anymore.

So Wontons!  Above is the pic I took of the mixture I put in them.

Napa Cabbage, Carrots, and Snow Peas, a few dashes of soy sauce
 (I forgot to add the bean sprouts) :(
However, I am sure they will be just as good!

Here is the Picture with the mixture on the wonton, its just a tsp full, since these guys are so tiny!
The next step is a bit tricky....
How to FOLD the wonton! 
It Seems everyone has there own way of doing it.
Today I tried a new way and I seem to like it alot better.
First I wet the whole wonton with a brush of water, you can use egg whites... But I find water works just as well and I don't feel like I am wasting an egg. Then you just fold over the square to make a triangle  and then pinch the tips together.
Now we just have to see how they hold up when I steam them.
I pre-made these so after I pick the kiddos up from school I can spend more time helping out with homework. I will serve these with a dipping sauce made up of soy sauce, a dash of hot sauce and a small amount of oil... toasted seaseme oil is good in there as well. However I have none on hand at the moment.
 To go with the Wontons is an Asian style veggie noodle stir-fry.
That I will make right before its time to eat.
 In stir-fries I like my veggies tender crisp, and I find if I pre-make it, the veggies will be over cooked.
Who likes mushy veggies? I know we don't in this house!
Until Next time.... Happy Cooking!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I am so frustrated with Banking its not even funny!

It started yesterday when I got the mail, I see there is a notice from my bank, and it reads.


Now you and I both know that when you get a letter from your bank like this, its never a good thing.

So, my heart beats quickens as I open the letter and it reads.

You have used to many transaction in your Savings account due to Federal State Law.
You are going to be charged a fine each time after you go over this amount, please check account disclosure for anymore information or please call our customer service line.

As I read this I am blown away, I never had issues before.

IS Canada that much different with their Banking then the USA??

At first I am really upset at my bank, why was this not explained to me when I opened the account, really I used that many transactions? So many questions are running through my head.

I do my research and find out that its not just my bank, its all BANKS... see above...
The Underlined part! ITS the GOVERMENT that will not allow but 6 transactions through a savings account. So I let it go, yes I am out a few bucks... which is kinda sad but I learned my lesson, and know now to watch how many times I move money.

But WAIT! there is more.

Today I get a very frantic phone call from both my husband and my banker, saying that I have written my rent check out of my SAVINGS account and not the checking, and since I MOVED the money to checking to cover the rent check, there was not enough funds in that account to cover the check!

I tell the Banker... no I have written it out of the same account I have written the other 4 checks out of, why would I have a checkbook for a savings account, when I have a checking account?!?

Come to find out the lady I ordered my checks from did it through my SAVINGS account and NOT through the CHECKING account!!! Now I feel really stupid, why I didn't think to check the account numbers I am not sure. Maybe because Money IS supposed to come out of the CHECKING account when you write a check!! Am I right??

AND so this is why I HAD so Many FREAKING transactions!

Thankfully my banker is going to wave all the fees that are on the account and re-order the right checks for the right account.

So the moral of this post is .....PLEASE make sure, not just your name and address are correct on your checks! But also check to make sure the account number is correct as well.


Until next time... Happy Banking!

Monday, October 1, 2012


So... I know its been awhile since I have last posted.

I promise that I will try to do better at posting more often!

Anyways, I have moved! Yep, moved once again to another place.

Now my family and I have packed up and moved back to the good ole' U S of A. Seattle WA. to be exact. Boy of boy was it a move to.

The kids were pissed off for a good three weeks!

I know I know its never easy moving, really not easy moving when you have 3 kids, husband, dog, cars. Looking for places to rent, looking up schools, areas close to work. Ride the bus not to ride the bus. Location... Location... Location!

You have to factor in EVERYTHING!

What kind of house do you want, in the city out of the city, how far are you wanting to drive. What kinda school are close, how much of a yard, how many bedrooms, bathrooms. Is it going to be to big to small.  The list goes on and on.

Thankfully all that is done!

Now comes more stress after enrolling the kids in school and getting them comfortable its time to play the social game. Making play dates and friends. Not to mention car tags, titles.

Then I still have to find something to do for myself. More on this topic another time.

If you ever need advice on moving away from home please feel free to ask!

Best Wishes until next time.