About two months ago I was talking to a friend and I noticed that I said " I don't know" like three times back to back. I looked at my friend and told her I really need to stop saying that. She then told me that I also said that a few months before. She said It would be nice for me to think of something else to say... However from that point on I would catch myself saying "I don't know". Then it got to the point were I would not say it, but I would think it... over and over again. Then I would get mad at myself for feeling like I have no power over breaking this bad habit of I don't knows. Now that I think back to my past, I had always "I don't know" through my whole life. Well I am ready to Know, I am ready to stop IDKing my life away. I know once I set my mind to make something happen.. I have the power to make it happen, but often times I lose that power, that drive, and I go back to my fence of I don't knows... it is what I feel is my safe place... I realize that now it is not a healthy safe place. I am looking for a new healthy way to live... on the path of I will figure it out!
This is the comment I left on Owningpink.com a Blog page I love to follow now.... check it out.
Thank you Owningpink ... The topics that are written in each blog really move me to become more positive, more driven and less of a fence sitter... each day I fight the battle of thinking to much to the point of doing nothing at all.... Today is the day I will stop thinking about things to much and saying I don't know.... Today "I will figure it out"!
I think ... we're alike in many ways Bettina. And ... this is one of them! I'm constantly saying "I don't know" ... I say it all the time ... I need to stop, too :)