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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day!

December 26th Is Boxing Day!

For all my USA followers, No this is not a day were Canadians sit around to watch boxing or anything to do with the sport of Boxing. (cheeky laugh here)

As far as I can tell its just like Black Friday in the USA.... something I never took part of and often thought people were nuts for even daring to go out on Black Friday....(Yes even you Mom) :)

Today my wonderful husband got up at 5:15ish and started hunting for the best deals on a TV... our friends were thinking about starting a fund raiser due to how old are TV was....  with that, I thought it was about time for us to finally break down and get one of em fancy little flat screens ALL MY FRIENDS have.

So at 5:25AM I crawled out of my warm bed ...sleepy eyed,  walked into the kitchen to start fixing coffee and cereal bowls.....(I could not help but to feel some pleasure as we woke the kids up...payback is Ours) as they grumpily asked us WHY we were getting them up in the middle of the Night....(mind you just the morning before .... Christmas DAY we were up at 5:35AM, they had smiles of glee plastered on their faces with squeals of pure delight!)

My husband tells us we have 15 minutes before we have to get out of the house to make it there by 6:00AM .... Can you believe people really want to get to the store by SiX O'clocK in THE MORNING just TO BUY STUFF!

OK we are in the car!....town is kinda slow, not many cars on the road.... feeling this is going to be good. "Not many people out on the roads hun....maybe its not like the States Black Friday after all." I say to my husband. Then as we come up to the store OUR eyes open WIDE .... we circle the block of the little mini mall.... People LINED UP all around the BLOCK.... CAN you believe it! AROUND the WHOLE freaking block just for one store... of course nothing else was open except a little cafe.

My husband looks at me as we try to pull into the unopened parking garage "damn the parking deck is not even open... forget this Lets just go home... I can't EVEN find a parking spot!" Then one of my wonderful children perk up "sure you can Daddy...you can find somewhere to park...we are up now lets go in." I agreed with them as my other children joined in saying "Lets go in...Lets go in...see if we can get a new TV Daddy!"

Its now 6:00am, we park a block away from the store at least we could see the doors from where we were. Our eyes light up as we sit and watch the people go inside. "cool they opened the doors ..Lets go!" We make way over to the entrance and see they are stopping people only letting a few at a time. I look at my husband and then the kids, they seem like they are game to stand in line. 6:06am... we are in the doors!
By 6:45am We are OUT with OUR Brand New TV and Wall mount! WHEW!

That place was a MAD HOUSE....But somehow we got in and out within less then 40 minutes!! I felt bad for the people that spent all Night  camping out, waiting in line just to beat us by 6 minutes....
To each is there own.

Until next time .... Happy Shopping!

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